This includes breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and gag reflex, which prevents you from choking. Over time, excessive drinking can lead to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Alcohol abuse can increase your risk for some cancers as well as severe, and potentially permanent, brain damage. It can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS), […]
Category Archives: Sober living
What Does It Feel Like to Be Drunk? Levels of Being Drunk
This article explains the different stages of alcohol misuse and how to find support if a person needs it. Your body has acclimated to quitting drinking over the past couple of years. To avoid a relapse at this stage, your mental health is vital. Alcohol poisoning is the presence of so much alcohol in the […]
How A Break From Alcohol Influences Health : NPR
She has previously been awarded funding by Australian and state governments, NHMRC and other bodies for evaluation and research into drug prevention and treatment. Behavioral health treatment for alcohol problems is often (but not always) covered by insurance. In the United States, most states have low-cost or free rehabilitation programs for those who are […]
Alcohol Misuse and Kidney Injury: Epidemiological Evidence and Potential Mechanisms PMC
But support, advice and medical treatment may be available through local alcohol addiction support services. Drinking a large amount of alcohol, even for just a few days, can lead to a build-up of fats in the liver. Of course, we all want a simple, achievable number for how long we should abstain from alcohol in order […]
Recovery Education and Lifestyle
Strictly speaking, sobriety is the state of being sober—not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, the word is often used in different ways in different contexts. Many 12-step programs suggest that sobriety means total abstinence, which means never using the substance again. Understanding the Components of Sobriety But still, dark days rise […]
The Role of Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Drug-Induced Reward-Implications for Social and Non-Social Factors
There is evidence that a positive social environment plus a well-developed endogenous OXT system is a protective factor that diminishes an individual’s vulnerability to become initiated in the addictive cycle [29]. One of the mechanisms put forward to explain this effect is that OXT decreases novelty seeking and the initial response to drug reward [29,30]. […]
Oxytocin as an adolescent treatment for methamphetamine addiction after early life stress in male and female rats Neuropsychopharmacology
There have also been case reports of adolescents stealing OxyContin from their parents (Katz and Hays 2004). Effect of the administration of oxytocin as a therapeutic target in the addictive process induced by social stress in animal models alcohol brain fog and clinical studies. Prolonged exposure to social stress produces a desensitization of GC receptors […]
9 Sober Musicians on How They Thrive Creatively Without Drugs or Booze
This pressure can come from fans, record labels, and the industry as a whole. Rappers may feel compelled to project an image of success, wealth, and a “party lifestyle” to appeal to their audience and maintain their popularity. She joined the 27 Club, a group of musicians, sober rappers singers, and other celebrities who died […]
Drug addiction substance use disorder Diagnosis and treatment
If your drug use is out of control or causing problems, get help. The sooner you seek help, the greater your chances for a long-term recovery. Talk with your health care provider or see a mental health provider, such as a doctor who specializes in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry, or a licensed alcohol and […]
Opinion Loneliness Is Inescapable So Lets Talk About It. The New York Times go hand-in-hand for a large number of people suffering from a substance use disorder. Using harmful substances to cope with challenges like depression, anxiety, and trauma are called co-morbid disorders. In cases of loneliness, someone can easily fall into the lure of drinking to cope. While there are many factors contributing to this trend, […]